Houston T-Bone Accident Lawyer

What Is a T-Bone Accident?

A “T”-shaped collision occurs when the front of one car strikes the side of another at an angle, resulting in a motor vehicle accident. These encounters are sometimes referred to as side-impact or broadside collisions. In this blog post, we will learn about the common T-bone accidents that typically occur at intersections and how a Houston T-bone collisions attorney may help.

How do T-Bone Accidents Happen?

There are several ways that T-bone collisions happen. The majority of side-impact collisions happen when one of the cars fails to surrender the right of way at an intersection. When a driver makes a left-hand turn, they frequently get broadsided by another car, which hits their passenger side. In other instances, u-turning drivers are struck on the side as they draw into traffic because they fail to notice incoming traffic approaching from the opposite way.

A significant number of side-impact auto accidents also result from drivers running traffic signals and hitting other cars. Most broadside auto accidents are the result of careless drivers acting recklessly or while distracted. The two main factors that lead to car accidents most frequently are aggressive driving and speeding.

Why are T-Bone Accidents So Dangerous?

A T-bone collision may be extremely deadly, particularly for car occupants on the same side of the point of impact. It’s easy to understand why. The sides of almost all passenger cars offer relatively little protection against the entire force of a broadside crash, in contrast to the front and rear of most cars, which offer considerable protection from the impact of a front-end or rear-end collision. The automobile doors and windows are all that stand between the soon-to-be-hit passengers and the approaching car.
Because of this, passengers in the side-impacted car are far more likely to suffer serious injuries or perhaps pass away. Among the many wounds they might get are:

  • Head and neck injuries
  • Seatbelt and airbag injuries
  • Organ Damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Dental and Facial injuries
  • Dislocated, fractured, or broken bones
  • Puncture wounds and lacerations
  • Soft tissue strains, sprains, tears, and bruises

You are entitled to monetary damages if a T-bone or broadside accident causes harm to you or someone you care about. Following a traumatic auto accident, a personal injury lawyer assists victims and their families in receiving the compensation and peace of mind they are entitled to.