Lamb Biltong: All You Need To Know

Lamb biltong produces a slightly softer texture for that melt-in-your-mouth sensation by using only the best quality, completely traceable grass-fed British leg of lamb. The lamb is marinated in a mixture of natural preservatives and a minimal quantity of nitrates. These are used mainly for your safety rather than to give the lamb a shelf life of a thousand years, as you may find in other meat-based products from the store. You will be consuming biltong that is at its optimum because of our two-month shelf life.

Meanwhile, after mixing and concentrating the spices and aromatics, the biltong is gently dried with steady airflow, shedding 60% of its weight, creating a protein-rich, thickly sliced, delectably intense, meaty-flavoured artisan biltong. Learn more about lamb biltong in this post!

What Exactly Is Biltong?

The sections of beef biltong that have been cured, seasoned, and air-dried at room temperature are known as biltong. Although other tastes are often offered, the classic culinary profile is a salt-based cure with coriander seed and pepper.

Is Lamb Biltong Good?

The softest item lamb provide is biltong. After being marinated in the special seasoning for 24 hours, the biltong is dried as beef topside. Biltong is dried inside and out, leaving the middle luscious and moist. Low in carbs and fat, biltong has a high protein content. A delightful snack or supplement to any meal, biltong can help you get more protein each day.

Benefits Of Biltong For Health

One of the health benefits that the lamb biltong provides is the high protein content. Protein is essential for your body to function correctly and maintain excellent health. All metabolic interactions involving proteins occur in every cell of our body. Additionally, protein is vital to how your blood distributes oxygen and provides energy. Further, it encourages healthy cells and aids in producing antibodies that fight diseases and infections.Moreover, because eating protein after working out provides your body with the amino acids it needs to rebuild and repair these proteins. Lamb biltong is also the ideal post-workout snack, as it aids in the body’s ability to build new muscle.

  • Reduced Fat – Biltong is low in fat. Just 5–7% in a 100g meal is fat.Reduced Sugar – Low in sugar. One serving of real biltong (100g) has just 0.6g of sugar.Full of Iron – Iron aids in producing red blood cells, and biltong is very high in iron. These healthy blood cells are essential for general health, muscular development, and recuperation because they transport oxygen throughout the body circulation.B12 vitamin – Vitamin B12, a vital vitamin that your body cannot manufacture on its own, is one of the vitamins that biltong is high in. Your nervous system’s proper operation is supported by vitamin B12. Moreover, numerous health advantages of vitamin B12 include increased energy levels, enhanced cognition, and improved mood.Zinc – Zinc is present in biltong. The body needs the mineral zinc to fight against germs and viruses. Additionally, zinc may aid the body’s absorption of other vitamins, like vitamin C, that guard against infections and colds. It is crucial for newborns and kids as they grow and develop. Zinc also aids in the healing of wounds.Creatine – One of the few foods with naturally occurring creatine is biltong. Strength and muscle mass may both be enhanced by creatine. Additionally, it may facilitate faster muscle recovery after exercise.

After choosing the meat for your delectable biltong, pick the correct cut. Lamb biltong can be made from most cuts, including cheap rump, flank, and brisket. These cuts contain enough fat marbling to keep the meat juicy. In addition, fat increases meat rancidity. Though expert smokers may prefer it, fatter meat may take longer to dry and increase the possibility of a rigid casing.

Biltong Game Meat

Early settlers had access to game meats like springbok and kudu for hunting; thus, these meats were used to make the first batches of biltong. Today venison and kangaroo (if you reside in Australia) are the most prevalent game meats that the typical person may purchase. Game meats are the best for biltong because they are very lean and contain long muscular fibres. Sadly, they are more costly and less common than other meats, including beef.


Lamb, another well-known Australian delicacy, is a unique and delicious meat alternative for biltong. There are many lovers of lamb biltong, but there are just as many who dislikes it as well. This is because lamb has a natural tendency to be fatter and because the taste of the fat is quite distinctive. The culinary profile is similar to beef but milder, and the parts closest to the fat have a lamb chop-like flavour. If you like a lamb, you should seek cuts like lamb back straps and strip loins.


Kangaroo is a beautiful alternative for game meat biltong, with a flavour akin to classic South African koku and springbok. Check for a leg cut called a strip loin or rump in selecting the appropriate cut. These cuts have lengthy strips of muscle and are very lean. Although it isn’t the most affordable meat, you might utilise it if you strike one by mistake since it is organic and free-range by nature.

In Summary

Biltong, a meat snack, is popular today, so make sure to thoroughly choose lamb biltong or beef biltong at your local market. Biltong is healthier than potato chips, cookies, and crackers, which may explain its appeal. It fits many diets due to its high protein and low carb composition. Biltong is also rich in iron, which many people worldwide need.