Tips On How To Protect Your Eye While Working

It is inevitable not to use digital devices such as mobile, computers, and laptops in these modern times since most of the work is done on those devices. The catch here is that our bodies are not built so we can watch at a screen for extended periods. The light these digital devices emit may harm our eyes at an extreme level, and as a result, the individual can experience specific eye symptoms. This is why it is essential to implement practices that can keep our eyes at ease when you are wondering how to protect your eyes from working (วิธีป้องกันสายตาจากการทำงาน, which is the term in Thai).

What Are The Eye Strain Symptoms?

Some of the usual symptoms that one can experience while working are as follows:-

  • Dry eyes
  • Eye strain
  • Headaches
  • Burning eyes
  • Eye redness
  • Double vision
  • Eye fatigue

Tips To Protect Eyes While Working

Some of the standard implementations to protect eyes while working are as follows:-

·       The Golden 20/20/20 Rule

The golden 20/20/20 rule is where one looks at the screen for twenty minutes before moving the eyesight to something 20 feet away, at the least, from that person for 20 seconds. Mathematically, 20 feet is around six meters. As an individual’s eyes are not designed to look at a particular thing for the entire day, this rule will help give the eyes the needed break.

·       Blinking More Than Often

Blinking is very important for eyes as it helps keep them moist, protecting them from discomfort. It has been found that one blinks less than usual when one looks at a screen for a significant period. To protect the eyes while working, it is advised to blink ten times, approximately every 20 minutes. So, blink more often while you are working.

·       Taking Breaks Now And Then

Taking breaks play a significant role in preventing the eyes from damage while working. Furthermore, it is suitable both physically and mentally. To reduce the potential computer vision damage, it is essential to take breaks now and then. This will also help avoid chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain.

·       Modifying The Display Settings Of The Screen

This is one of many tips that greatly help in avoiding eye discomfort. To modify the settings, start by adjusting the brightness. Try finding a balance between the screen’s brightness and the surrounding. Also, enlarge the text as small text stand a high chance of straining the eyes.


Thus, it is essential to take steps and tackle the problems as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage to our eyes. One can use digital devices to prevent such issues with the right approach. This is all the information that was there to know about how an individual can protect their eyes even while working.