3 Tips for Planning a Party at a Siloso Beach Restaurant

Everyone loves a good party, especially as COVID restrictions slowly lift. Many people are eager to catch up with friends and family, and people love a good excuse to have good food and drinks and have fun. If you’re planning on throwing a party, whether to celebrate something or reunite with loved ones again, it’s best to make it something memorable. That’s why your next party should take place at a beach bar in Singapore! Here are three tips for planning the perfect beach party for your loved ones.

Don’t Disturb Other Beachgoers

Beach bars and restaurants are known for being quite open. They may have outdoor tables, and some beach restaurants have dining areas that are entirely outdoors. If your party takes place in a beach bar in Singapore, it most likely won’t be confined to an enclosed space, which means other beachgoers will be affected if your party becomes too rowdy. 

You can avoid potential problems with other beachgoers by asking your guests in advance to mind their behaviour during the party. For example, you can ask them to avoid loud shouting and coordinate with the staff of the Siloso beach bar to keep music at a low volume. You can also ask your guests to avoid littering to keep the beach clean and minimise cleanup later.

Communicate with the Restaurant Staff

Once you’ve booked a reservation with a Siloso beach restaurant, ensure that you keep their staff updated on any plans so they can accommodate you accordingly. They want your party to be successful, after all, and many are willing to adhere to any requests to make that happen. Ask if they can accommodate any technical needs, such as an AV system for music and lights or a microphone for the host. You can also enquire about special deals such as discounted drinks for the party.

Plan the Menu Accordingly

Since the party will take place at a restaurant, the food will be the aspect many people will be excited about most. Ensure that the menu includes dishes that everyone can enjoy. You can refer to the demographic of your guests when deciding. For example, if everyone attending is of drinking age, ensure that the Siloso beach bar has drinks for everyone. On the other hand, if children are invited, save the drinks for another occasion and ask the staff if they have a children’s menu.

Also, consider everyone’s food restrictions and requirements when coordinating with the Siloso beach restaurant about the menu. Many people may have to avoid certain foods due to health reasons, lifestyle choices, or religious beliefs. You can ask everyone if they have any dietary restrictions when they RSVP your invitation. Still, you could also plan and include vegan and halal dishes in your menu to avoid having to ask.

Are you ready to throw the best party for your friends and family? Check out Coastes, a Siloso beach restaurant with a beautiful view, delicious food and drinks, and easy access to the beach so everyone can enjoy the sand and seas during the party. You can inquire about how to place a reservation for your party by contacting Coastes through their website today.

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