Challenge Coin: Beginner’s Guide to Collecting

Commemorating a milestone is often a highly enjoyable experience. Some people decide to take a vacation, while others might spend time with their friends or family.

You might have heard of challenge coins before, but you may not be aware of why they are given or what they symbolize. So, what exactly is a challenge coin?

Let’s explore everything that you need to know about it.

What Is a Challenge Coin?

A challenge coin is an item of value that is given to members of the military, intelligence community, first responders (i.e., police officers), and veterans.

An individual will give it to someone in their organization to show high regard and respect for them. This tradition has become more widespread throughout organizations such as these over the last few years.

There are also different reasons that an individual will give out challenge coins.

They might be given as a reward for participating in a high-risk assignment or as an honor to recognize service and commitment to their organization. Commonly, they will be used as a morale booster and symbol of unity and pride within the group.

In the military, it is a tradition for troops to exchange coins with members from other units in order to enhance team-building and cohesion between them. In the United States Air Force, challenge coins have been used since World War I when a squadron commander started handing out coins inscribed with his unit’s insignia. This was to serve as a morale booster in difficult moments.

During World War II, generals started using them to build morale among units that they commanded. This tradition has continued in modern military organizations by commanding officers to foster unity and pride in their unit. Since the coins are given to members of an organization for various reasons, it is up to the issuer’s discretion what design will be engraved onto the coin.

The organization’s logo might be on one side, while the other would have a design that is representative of its history or actions. Since it is given to different people in an organization, you will find that there are others with different designs that are unique to them.

Is It Normal For People to Collect Them?

Many people have been collecting coins from their organization or those that they have been given from others as a sign of respect. It is also common for people to give them as gifts to show appreciation.

In many ways, it is almost like a membership badge for an individual. So, yes — it is normal for people to collect them, and challenge coin collections can become quite extensive.

How Do I Care For My Challenge Coins?

Since challenge coins are made from different combinations of metals, it is important to handle them with care to avoid damaging the surfaces. For example, it would be a good idea to avoid exposing them to extreme heat or moisture because this could cause them to warp or corrode.

As you might guess, they should be kept away from children and pets. Other than that, the only other thing to take note of is making sure you don’t stack them on top of each other because this could damage the surface.

Collecting them might be worth it if you want something unique for yourself. It is also possible for people to make money by selling them or trading with others. Under the right circumstances, you could even sell challenge coins for a substantial amount of money even if you didn’t spend very much on them initially.

In the end, it’s all about having fun and adding them to your collection.

Are Challenge Coins Expensive?

This all depends on what you are willing to pay. The value of coins can vary based on the design, age, and rarity among other factors.

For example, challenge coins that were made during World War I can be very expensive because they are historical artifacts. On the other hand, coins designed more recently will be less expensive. Since they are used as a sign of respect and appreciation, it is not surprising that some people might overprice them because of how strong their emotions are associated with them.

However, this should not stop you from offering what you think is reasonable for its value.

Is There Anything Else I Should Know About Them?

While challenge coins may seem like simple tokens, they are part of the military tradition. Many organizations have adopted this practice to continue building on team dynamics and camaraderie within their unit, such as police departments.

They are not just regular coins that you can use for everyday transactions but have a higher value in terms of creating positive memories between people.

For this reason, they are seen as important collectibles that should be kept safe and treated correctly. Put simply, challenge coins carry a large amount of metaphorical weight — be sure that you keep this in mind before you choose to purchase one.

You can check out this resource to learn more about where to find quality challenge coins:

Choosing the Right Challenge Coin Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

In fact, it’s highly likely that you will find this decision to be easier than you first believed after consulting the above guide. From here, you’ll be able to ensure that the challenge coin you choose is the best one for your situation.

Make sure you check out the rest of our blog for other info on unique topics like this.

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